torsdag 23 april 2009

Artery eruption/Inhuman dissiliency-Festering fuckhole slop [Split]

So a split on the brutal side of life, my ears agree with the grooves created by the terminal Artery eruption songs, though at some times the production lets it down a bit i think. Great screeching pigsqueelish vox coupled with some low frequency gargling of female intestines. Slowpaced (upbeat at times)brutal fuckmusic for everyone is the deal of the day. The second part of this split is caringly chopped up into pieces by Inhuman dissiliency, their take on brutality is more uptempo, like the tempo you fuck your neighbours 16 year-old daughter to death with. Some slower grinding parts are intermingled here aswell. The vox ranges from low to high pitched brutality witout ever being comprehensible in any way.
So gargle away and get some candy to lure that cunt to your apartment, put this on and destroy her ass! (the neighbouring fuckwhore 16 year-old that is)

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