måndag 18 maj 2009

Meatknfe-Brutalized blowjob

Symphonic intro, this could never go well with the clear porno influences that the song-titles showed, well it sets the mood pretty well that’s for sure. Slam is the meal of the day and its done with some fucked up vocals that aren’t your everyday brutal death variety, they don’t sound the same but still sound great. They’re just pretty badly mixed I guess and could easily have been given a more prevalent impact on the record. At times I have to say they sound like true shit, in this case that is bad. Some simple crude riffs accompany the vocals and they are actually not shit sounding and sound like someone actually thought of them while mixing. Drumming is pretty generic I think, not too much to say about it. Overall very generic slam and sadly enough not to great, not bad either but there’s a lot of better stuff out there.

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